Logo design


Limited time offer


Get unlimited free logo proposals, and then buy it if you like it. This is Domakes

Find out about all the benefits

Unlimited proposals

Payment on delivery

Optimized delivery

Unlimited changes and variations



Dedicated account manager



Brand manual

Personalized consulting

How long?

The development time of the initial graphic proposals is from 1 to 3 days. Depending on the complexity of the project, the delivery time of the final logo may vary.

What formats do I get?

If you need files for digital use, you will get JPG and PNG files. If you want to print your logo, you will get PDF and EPS files. You will also receive the original files editable in Illustrator or Photoshop.

What variations do I get?

With Domakes you have unlimited variations. You will get files in different sizes and resolutions; 72dpi, 150dpi, 300dpi. You will also get your logo in different color combinations; multicolor, black, white, gray. Different orientations and positions; horizontal, vertical, abbreviations and complements.

What changes can I make?

With Domakes you have unlimited changes or corrections during the logo development phase. After the final delivery the changes will have an additional cost.

How many proposals do I get?

With Domakes you have unlimited conceptual proposals. The proposals will be developed by a Domakes creative team based on the information provided by the client. After receiving the results of the proposals, you will be able to choose a logo to continue with the development process until its completion.

What is a dedicated account manager?

Is a Domakes team member who leads and manages the development of your logo. He provides professional advice focused on your particular needs throughout the branding process.

What is a brand manual?

It is a document or guide that contains in detail the brand concept, logo standards, color palette, typographies, effects and styles, and all the graphic elements associated with the corporate image. The brand manual will be developed by a Domakes creative team after approving the final logo.

How does payment on delivery work?

After creating your ideal logo and being satisfied with the final result, you will be able to purchase the copyright for 100£ and acquire all the files in their different formats, variations and uses. The final delivery of the logo is done after the payment of 100£.

How does the assignment of authorship rights work?

Upon final delivery of the logo, your account manager on behalf of Domakes® will assign the copyright of the logo and you will become the owner of the copyright by means of a letter of assignment of copyright or assignment of intellectual property rights. This is the document by which a person (called assignor) transmits or transfers to another (called assignee) the copyright of one or more intellectual works. The authorship rights of the graphic proposals prior to Logo Do© payment belong exclusively to Domakes®. Its commercialization, use, copy or resale is forbidden.

Why use the PayPal payment gateway?

Thanks to the alliance between Domakes® and PayPal® you will be able to make secure and easy payments. The purchase is made through a payment form sent to the customer's email, you can use the payment method of your choice. The type of currency in which you will be charged will depend on the country where you reside.

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